Thursday, June 22, 2006

Decisions, decisions

Yep, this'll be my personal blog. After all, it is named LeAnne's Pad. If I want to blog about issues, I'll create it and link to it. So, now family, friends, and all interested in my week-to-week goings on, this is the place.

It's soon to be 4 a. m. and I'm keeping with my nightly schedule, since I work nights. Stan is keeping me company in spirit as he is asleep on the couch, but rousing now and then while I blog and watch some movie on what I call an "upper channel". He finds it so hard to sleep for long in either the bed or the couch since his back surgeries. I have faired better since my back surgeries and can sleep like a baby.

However, I am now dealing with arthritis. It's just one of those things that happen to many of us as we age. I "kick" myself a lot wishing I'd listened more to my "elders" and had more empathy toward them regarding these infirmities I now face. I'd have learned and appreciated a lot more about what they went through and gotten more insight sooner. I'll see the Dr. next week to find out what the best course will be.

I'm also going through menopause and was determined not to take hormone replacement therapy. The hot flashes got so bad that I couldn't sleep. Not sleeping is bad for the type of job I do. I must get adequate sleep and it was getting bad. I was also a bit forgetful, which is one of the symptoms. I was so moody I couldn't stand myself. Thank goodness for the most understanding, caring, and forgiving husband in the world. He didn't give in to my rantings and ravings, but let me have them and walked away to prevent bloodshed...little humor here.

I'm on a very low dose of hormone therapy. It took a little while to get into my system...oh, about a few weeks to a month...and started relieving those horrible hot flashes where I can now sleep like a baby. Still don't get enough sleep, but that's the life of a truck driver. I am the more easygoing, laid-back, happy person I was before the monster came out in me.

Well, enough of my ruminations and history for tonight. It's getting late and I'm going to finish up with a few changes on our dog's blog. Nite everyone!


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