Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gotcha, you spammer!

Ha! Glad to still be here in front of the computer when someone posted a couple comments to my previous blog posting. It was an adult-type spam. I copied and deleted the post, activated my blog to where only registered users may post a comment, and I moderate it, then reposted my blog. So, for all you who know me, just email me or join blogger to become a registered user that you may post a comment. I'll still have to moderate the comments to allow them, but this is worth it to keep the spammers away! The kid in me says to the spammers: Nanner nanner nanner! Phooey on you! Pfffffft! LOL

Ah, home at last!

Flew through a sea of puffy white clouds all the way to Orlando on Monday. Sisser, Karen, picked me up after her work...timing was just right for my arrival. Making the transition from nights to days has been the hardest, but think I've made it. Had a nice, short visit and mom and I left the next morning just after 9 a.m.

Talk about a trip that did not go as planned. The windshield wipers did work...not the day we took off, however, and it was raining like crazy up as far as Macon. We wasted a lot of time trying to find someone to fix them as it is against the law to not run the wipers when raining. We stopped at a few places, even at a U-Haul place (mom's truck is an old U-Haul). They only service the vehicles-no mechanic-type stuff. Sooo, we ended up spending a bit of money for a motel and a good supper. I was just too tired to drive till late up in the night. Live and learn. Next time, if ever again, she will take the truck or whatever vehicle to be serviced and spend the money on the servicing. Isn't it a shame that money couldn't have gone toward fixing the wipers instead of a motel so we could have been home sooner. Mom says that hindsight is 20/20, eh?

My theory is trial and tribulation. Because of my belief, I feel that we are given much in trial and tribulation to see how we handle everything. What can I say...fell short for a bit, but came through in the end on learning the lesson and stopped grumbling to ourselves about doing things right the first time. If it weren't for these lessons, would we ever learn? NO! Our other trial in this tribulation is to try to find the good side to it and not let it get us down...handle the stress properly. Do believe most all our lives are like this...full of hurdles to overcome and learn from. Perhaps the grumbling will eventually go away when first we come to a tribulation?! That's a lesson that's a hard one to overcome, sometimes.

It's been an eventful day. Today is Stan's 57th birthday. After lunch, laundry, doing some organizing, supper, baking the "birthday cake" (it's a special cake...tell ya bout it later), watching a video, setting up a blog for mom, everyone's deserted me and gone to bed. Thinking I'd better start making tracks that way if I want to keep with this daytime shift for the better part of my vacation. I need to start with some deep cleaning and jumping in that pool that Stan's worked so hard to keep sparklingly clean. Whooohooo! Night, it's actually night!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

All's well that ends well

The joke were flying today as Stan was getting ready to go get his colonoscopy done. The getting ready part was much worse than the procedure itself, he says. Hmm, I could tell, and I felt miserable for him. Now I know what to expect when it will be my turn. All he could eat was chicken broth and Jello and lots of liquid laxative...some pills...the last two with time limits on the taking. He got to come home with pictures, which proves what I've said about his being an (insert the knowing expletive here) when I'm mad at him.

Thank goodness all was "clean as a whistle"...literally and figuratively. Only one little polyp the doc snipped. He's sure it's benign and we'll know when test from pathology is back.

My only problem was making that quick transition to daytime living as I work at nights and don't deviate this schedule on my off days. No problem, tho. I'd do anything for my darling hubby! Am tired though and this will be short this week. I really wanted to say more, but must hit the hay and read a bit. Not before saying that I will have my vacation week after this next week (Aug. 13th...taking 11 days, however), flying down to Florida to get my mom and drive her U-Haul truck back up here to put her stuff in storage and go looking for a house closer to where I work where she can also build her dome home...will elaborate later. Night and have a great week.