Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Shrimply can't wait!

Mmmm, supper's smellin' good! Ok, so I'm going off my cholesterol lowering diet for tonight. Grilling some beef tenderloin and making up some shrimp scampi w/mushrooms, bit of finely diced carrot, and mushrooms added to the recipe. Got the salad ready and steaming some green beans, okra, and carrots. Then, gonna kick back and watch Eight Below and Failure to Launch.

Since we got Charter so many years ago with the biggest package for all those movie channels, we haven't been to Blockbuster. Well, I splurged for tonight. We're thinking about getting rid of all those movie channels and going for a smaller package and doing the snail-mail thing with Blockbuster. Will have to price it and see how it works. We're tired of watching reruns on all those movie channels. Besides, I'm not home on the nights they have the newer stuff on. I'll let you know how this works out.

The desktop tower is in the shop. I don't have an extra computer or all the diagnostics and it kept crashing so often I couldn't do anything with it any longer. Hope to hear, in a couple days, from T at the shop to discuss what the problem is.

Hope all who read this are well and have a good week!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok ok...pass me a big ol` plate of that deliciously sounding food! Ummm mmm, me can almost smell it from here!! lol You taunt me girl... :o)

How's Mom doing? How about Stan?? I saw on your IM that he had to go for a procedure?? Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog reading (your's & other!) I can barely think of reading my own snail-mail! lol These are such crazy times for all. But I do love being able to "peek" into/share in your life and know how you, Emma, the family are doing!

Hope you get your PC back up & running again soon! I feel lost when mine is just disconnected for the day, say moving furniture around and what have you!! I'm a computer/PSP/internet junkie! lol

big hugz 4 U my friend...

8:14 AM  
Blogger LeAnne said...

I would love for you all to visit...Ally, you...the families...we could go swimming, go off any diets and splurge! LOL Whatcha doin weekend of Aug. 19th? Mom'll be here, pool's looking perfectly clear...thanks to Stan's hard work, and nice and warm for swimmin'. C'mon down!

R u kiddin? I can barely keep up, myself, I unnerstand more than ya know. PC will hafta wait till I can get a round week or two, maybe. Gonna have to put in new mother board, CPU, and RAM...RAM sticks are bad.


2:59 AM  

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