Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ha, figured it out

Nothing like a bit of experimentation to finally "get it"! Went to our Google Video page and found out how to share the video straight to the blog. Sure wish I could share these videos in the same way to Dogster, where our Emma's blog page is. My main goal is to have it recorded as I have lost the file on my computer and can't figure out how to get it back into a .wmv or .mov format from the google video onto my computer. I can download it in the google video window, so all is not lost as far as the videos are concerned.

We live and learn. I have lost quite a bit of info on my computer. I had it all on another partion and needed that partition. I needed to move the info over to a slave that needed formatting,'s a long story and pretty technical so only we "geeks" would appreciate my meanderings about it. However, mostly family and friends read this blog and I'll leave the tech stuff for another blog, perhaps? Who knows. I would have loved to finish my MCSE classes to go with the A+ and Net+. I'd also love to sit down and do the self-teaching thing with the Java and SQL books I have, but who has time? Certainly not me! Shouda been a nurse. Hmphf.


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