Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Shrimply can't wait!

Mmmm, supper's smellin' good! Ok, so I'm going off my cholesterol lowering diet for tonight. Grilling some beef tenderloin and making up some shrimp scampi w/mushrooms, bit of finely diced carrot, and mushrooms added to the recipe. Got the salad ready and steaming some green beans, okra, and carrots. Then, gonna kick back and watch Eight Below and Failure to Launch.

Since we got Charter so many years ago with the biggest package for all those movie channels, we haven't been to Blockbuster. Well, I splurged for tonight. We're thinking about getting rid of all those movie channels and going for a smaller package and doing the snail-mail thing with Blockbuster. Will have to price it and see how it works. We're tired of watching reruns on all those movie channels. Besides, I'm not home on the nights they have the newer stuff on. I'll let you know how this works out.

The desktop tower is in the shop. I don't have an extra computer or all the diagnostics and it kept crashing so often I couldn't do anything with it any longer. Hope to hear, in a couple days, from T at the shop to discuss what the problem is.

Hope all who read this are well and have a good week!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Blow it out and redo it

I'm surprised my WinXP Pro has lasted this long. I think the video card is degrading, too. It's been installed since 2002, I think. I believe I did a format/reinstall in 2003 or 4, can't recall. At least it's lasting a couple/few years between degradation. This is the second video card I've had installed. The first one was still under warranty.

At first, I started getting the BSOD (blue screen of death) showing the stop errors to be the fault of a driver. Finally figured it to be the display driver from repeated crash analysis tests. I have the error reporting shut off and the automatic restart unticked as well. Still mighty unstable.

It stayed up long enough for me to do a backup of the Documents and Settings. I'll be getting a 200 GB external hard drive on Friday. I'll try to keep the computer going long enough to be redundant in backups and saving what I really want, so that I won't lose anything else. After that, it's on!

Oh the torture. It takes hours to get things back right, again. The programs, the passwords, the user names, the loading and loading and loading of all those years of programs I paid for and must install. Too, it's time to part with a lot that's become quite useless. Needless to say, I'll not be blogging next week.

As to my Dr. apt. last week. I had a nevus shaved off. It looked like a pink mole, but was actually a benign bump on the right shin just below and left of the knee. Dr. said likely caused by some earlier trauma to the area. He numbed it with injections...made me feel like a pin cushion for a bit. Once numb, he started slicing. Could still feel a bit of a sting a time or two, but it was relatively painless. There was a bit of discomfort the next few days, but not unbearable. This is likely a bit graphic for some people, however, it's nice to know what goes on with these sort of things if you ever have to experience it.

The cholesterol/triglycerides that are going the the roof will have to be controlled by diet/exercise. I've signed up with Anne Collins Weight Diet it as I'm too lazy and tired to provide the link this week. There is terrific information at this site and I've found my diet. Wonderful support group, too.

Bout time to lie down and read a bit. I haven't even done Emma's blog this week. That's okay. It's been pretty uneventful for her, of late. She's just as spoiled rotten with love as we can spoil her. Have a good week.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Don't do it!

I had logged in to create a post for my blog, did it, went to publish it, and lost it. This has been happening in 4 sites where I log in to do something and they are timing out when they did not before. I downloaded the Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3. Do not download this beta version unless you are able to create a system restore point. Beta versions are versions of software that are still in development and not yet stable. The community who downloads these beta versions are those who have some knowledge of hardware/software issues, are developers, etc. Then, there are those daredevil types. I have signed up to give feedback for any issues I come across and have been reading the feedback on many other issues from scripting problems to memory leaks to crashes for various reasons.

I had a nice posting going on, but it will have to wait till next week or sometime when I have time. Have a good week!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ha, figured it out

Nothing like a bit of experimentation to finally "get it"! Went to our Google Video page and found out how to share the video straight to the blog. Sure wish I could share these videos in the same way to Dogster, where our Emma's blog page is. My main goal is to have it recorded as I have lost the file on my computer and can't figure out how to get it back into a .wmv or .mov format from the google video onto my computer. I can download it in the google video window, so all is not lost as far as the videos are concerned.

We live and learn. I have lost quite a bit of info on my computer. I had it all on another partion and needed that partition. I needed to move the info over to a slave that needed formatting,'s a long story and pretty technical so only we "geeks" would appreciate my meanderings about it. However, mostly family and friends read this blog and I'll leave the tech stuff for another blog, perhaps? Who knows. I would have loved to finish my MCSE classes to go with the A+ and Net+. I'd also love to sit down and do the self-teaching thing with the Java and SQL books I have, but who has time? Certainly not me! Shouda been a nurse. Hmphf.

Mommy & Daddy's girl...Pug

Soooo relaxing!

Scratch me just there, Pug

I hope this video works

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fruits n nuts n veggies?

My cholesterol has gone through the roof. We called a message line about how our levels were and got our Drs. recording saying that Stan's was elevated from what it was, but he was still at a very safe level. Mine is high, and my triglycerides are alarmingly high, he says.

I can't drink sodas, or such like, which I don't drink much of anyway, but my coffee? Well, perhaps I'll cut down. Wonder if this means I must put away the Cappacino machine Stan got me not too long ago. Got to see the Dr. on the 19th, anyway, so will see what all he wants me to do. Must eat nonfat foods flavor. I do love veggies, lots and lots of steamed veggies. They taste really good with some shredded cheddar cheese on them...oops, no cheddar cheese. Darn!

I love fruits, specially strawberries and blueberries with sugar and cream...oops, wonder about sugar, and now it has to be 1% milk or nonfat milk? Aaargh! Lotta changes I see. At least I can eat all kinds of nuts without anything on them at all.

Frankly, I never really thought I ate a lot of "bad" things. I quit smoking and felt that should help with the levels. It didn't...go figure!

I like the new bid I'm on. I bid a utility bid, which means I can deliver locally, intermediate, or single. All this means is the length of the runs. From very short to long...long would be a bit over 500 miles round trip. I could also work the yard. I am considered an extra-board driver with a start time. I've been doing mostly single runs with a day or two of intermediate and local. I actually get done in about 11.5 to 13 hours in a day. Mostly averaging 12 hour work days. I am actually getting a rough 6 hours of sleep each day, now. This is what I require to feel I've had at least some adequate sleep.

I am owned by our Pug. I love keeping up her blog, posting pictures of her on Webshots, visiting message boards about Pugs, and doting on her. She rules the roost as for our love of her and devotion to her. She gives us so much joy in the care of her. Stan is wrapped round her little paws. She knows who the pack leaders are, but we are mindful of her every whim and need. To understand this, you'd have to be owned by a Pug, or an animal lover. Yak some more tomorrow night!